I offer quality, professional guitar lessons ranging from beginner to advanced. 

I charge for weekly lessons. Your choice of half hour, or full hour.

Half-hour - $20/weekly

Full Hour - $40/weekly

In addition to a positive attitude and desire to learn, the most important thing you need to bring is, of course, your guitar! If you have an electric guitar, contact me to find out if you need to bring your own amp. You may also want to bring a pencil and a notebook for writing important things down (notes, homework, things needed, ect.,). Responsibility of purchasing your supplies/books will be your own.

It's preferred that you arrive to your lessons a couple minutes early to unpack, tune-up, and be prepared. If, for any reason, you need to cancel your lesson for that week, please call at least 12 hours ahead. 

Contact me at this number for any questions or interests you might have!

(417) 862-3573